Owning and Operating a Vehicle
This is a mini unit within the Personal Finance unit, one of the main strands of the Grade 11: Foundations for College Mathematics course (MBF3C). It was planned for the Grade 11 math students in Ottawa Technical Secondary School during my practicum.
All lesson plans and worksheets were created with my class in mind and is based around the most up to date Ontario Curriculum documents.
Handouts given to students in each lesson. The handouts are projected on the board during class so that students can follow along throughout the lesson. I can also fill in solutions on the board under each question.
Wheels of Your Own
In this assignment, students take on the role of an adult with an occupation chosen by random. They will look at three different cars that may be suitable, and use the information given to calculate the ownership and operating costs of the cars. Base of the the calculated costs, students will choose the car which best fits their budget.