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Professional Learning

A record of my professional learning workshops attended throughout my Teacher Education program.

April 4, 2024

DIY Weather Station and Micro:bits

Philip Greene

  • A workshop to explore how to transform a mico:bit into a comprehensive climate/weather monitoring system, and the various DIY projects that can be implemented in a classroom to make climate education engaging.

April 4, 2024

Channelling Eco-Anxiety into Eco-Action

Stephanie Doyle, Earth Rangers

  • A workshop about eco-anxiety, a reaction on today's environmental problems, and identifying the 5Es to support children and teens in channeling their eco-anxiety into eco-action.

April 4, 2024

Climate Action

Emma Bider

  • A workshop to related to climate change, learning how make a positive impact in the classroom when implementing climate (action) education. It featured keynote speaker, Emma Bider, talking about the importance of trees in our community, reflecting on the affective influences trees have on us and the impacts of tree cutting.

October 19, 2023

Introduction to EdStudiO

Ada Wong, Chloe D'Astous, Siddharth Khanna, Stephanie Mckeen

  • Led a workshop with other Year 2 Teacher Candidates to introduce EdStudiO,a multidimensional research, teaching, and community space at the University of Ottawa. We used Leo Robotics to demonstrate and give inpiration on how technology can be integrated into lessons.

February 28, 2023

Supporting English Language Learners

Zheng Xu, Monika Bural, Sumona Roy, Jennifer Glass (Ministry of Education)

  • A workshop providing an overview for teacher candidates of the ministry policies and initiatives that welcome and support English language learners in Ontario publicly funded schools, with a focus on anti-racism, anti-oppression, and culturally relevant and responsive pedagogy. 

January 31, 2023

Managing Challenging Behaviours through Supportive and Effective Classroom Management

Jason Johnston, EFTO

  • A session identifying key components of effective classroom management that enhance positive relationships between teachers and students, and increase the effectiveness of responses to student behaviour.

January 17, 2023

Managing Violent Situations in Schools

Overview of Teacher's Rights and Responsibilities

Heidi Brisson & Mary Catherine Hogan, OCSB

  • A session exploring the context of violence in schools. Educators should be informed of the precautions, risk and safety plans to prevent incidents from occurring, and the protocols to follow when they do occur.

January 17, 2023

Student Injury Prevention

Chris Cully, Susan Brown, Rana Nnasrazadani (Ministry of Education)

  • A session providing infomration on the student injury prevention responsibilities and expectations of teachers set out by the Ministry of Education. Teachers should develop a safety mindset in the classroom. Resources by the ministry are also available to support teachers.

November 15, 2022

Introduction to Human Rights & Equity in Education, Anti-Racism and Anti-Discrimination

Nada Aoudeh & Stephanie Fernandes, Ministry of Education

  • An introduction to the Ontario Human Rights Code, which equips educators they knowledge to promote and uphold human rights for addressing discriminatory policies and practices.

November 1, 2022

Boundary Issues for Educators

Randy Banderob, OSSTF

  • A session informing Teacher Candidates of the professional boundaries that must be maintained in the educational environment (with students) throughout our career. Various government and ministry laws detail the duties and conducts that teachers must follow.

November 1, 2022

Strategies for Managing Conflict

Randy Banderob, OSSTF

  • A session exploring elements of conflict between colleagues and students, and ways to manage them. One method to manage conflict is to be more transparent about our actions. People only see the surface of our actions, and different people can have different ways of interpreting our actions, which can cause misunderstandings. When others know what our intentions are behind our actions, they tend to be more understanding.

October 31, 2022

PED 3102 Guest Speakers

Geordie Walker, Kristen Kopra, Sherwyn Soloman, Jacqueline Lawrence

  • Guest speakers shared some of their experiences in their teaching journey. They reminded us of the mindsets we should have as teachers to better serve our students.

October 18, 2022

Outdoor Education

MacSkimming Outdoor Education Centre

  • A field trip at MacSkimming Outdoor Education Centre to learn about nature and discovery learning for students, and the different ideas teachers can use to make learning engaging.

October 11, 2022

Ministry of Education: Assessment and Evaluation

Laura Christmann & Deborah Keefe, Ministry of Education

  • A workshop identifying various assessment practices to improve meaningful learning for students. All assessments must meet the guidelines described in Growing Success.

October 11, 2022

Student Achievement Through Equity Initiative

Chantel Smith, OCDSB

  • A session on OCDSB equity initiatives which benefit students' achievement and well-being:

    • building the capacity of educators to implement innovative, culturally relevant and responsive curricula within the current school system

    • creating welcoming and inclusive classroom and school environments

    • establishing strong school-parent partnerships

September 27, 2022

AT/Principal Panel

Principals: Paul Bautreau, Megan Egerton-Graham, Michael Curry, Jeremy Nowiski

ATs: Linda Hlaing-Bowen, Kelly Ann Ross, Stephanie Allardyce

  • A session informing Teacher Candidates the professional attributes and work ethics favourable while doing Teaching Practicum at schools.

September 27, 2022

OCT Presentation

Ryan Alexander Reyes, Ontario College of Teachers

  • A session to inform educators of the Ethical Standards of Teaching and the Standards of Practice that need to be uphold at all times throughout our professional. Our responsibilities to the public and ultimately the student we will serve, go beyond our time at school.

September 13, 2022

Planning with the Curriculum Resources Website

Ministry of Education

  • A workshop exploring the Curriculum and Resources website and how it can help educators plan teaching. The website included resources such as program planning, transferable skills, curriculum context, teacher supports, etc. to inform educators their planning.

September 7, 2022

Welcome to the Teaching Profession

Lindy Amato, Ontario Teacher Federation

  • A workshop on the introduction of OTF and the support system it provides. OTF has lots of resources for teachers to continuously learn and develop professionally.

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