Today, we visited MacSkimming Outdoor Education Centre for our PED 3131 General Science class. When we arrived, we sat around the campfire where Kathleen gave us a variety of ideas to incorporate the outdoors and nature into our lesson planning. One activity we did was to pick up a random piece of object (leave, bark, etc.) from the ground. We were to see the object as a collection of characteristics and not as the object as we have known it to be.
Ex. "This object is red. It has vains. It is dirty from the mud washed on to it."
This activity is helpful for a science class as it helps students develop their observation skills, especially for lab experiment purposes. It also would give students a chance to discover what's out in nature. There are so many different things to explore in a forest!
Another activity we had was to play "Predator & Prey", a game I played before back in my school days. (Brings back memories!) Basic concept behind this game is the animal food chain. Games certainly get students engaged in learning new concepts!