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Field Trip to Algonquin College

Ada Wong

I went on a field trip to Algonquin College with Associate Teacher, Lindsay, this week. Students, graduating this year or next year, who are interested in attending the college would have an chance to explore the campus and gain some insights on the programs they may be interested in taking. I also thought this was a good opportunity for me to observe how a field trip is planned and run.

A small group of 12 people including teachers attended. The day consisted of meeting with an OTSS graduate, who is now attending first year in Algonquin, and a tour of the campus by an ambassador. We asked the ambassador to bring us to sections of the campus where certain classes are held, such as construction, electrical technician, animation, etc. It was a very cool campus, and we learned about the various programs offered at the college. The students also enjoyed the tour. Though most of them are excited with the prospect of attending the college that's in front of their eyes, they were also nervous at the same time. Some said that the campus was too big and were afraid of getting lost. Some were anxious about learning to be independent, such as being responsible for their own studies/assignments. No teacher will keep pushing them anymore in college. I thought speaking to the students gave me a new perspective on how they feel about life after high school, because I didn’t feel the same way as them when I entered university at their age.

The enlightening moment of this trip was the meeting with the OTSS graduate. Lindsay arranged for this meeting so that students can have some insights into college life. My first impression of the graduate was that she’s a well-spoken and helpful person. The advice she gave was very useful and answered students’ questions with patience. She told the students that college will be much tougher than high school, but reassured them that if they need assistance or accommodations the college does provide these resources. When the talk was over, she kept saying how she was very shy when she was in OTSS. She was struggling through school and was about to give up. I have never met her before so I would never have guessed she was who she described to be. I thought this was very enlightening, because it reinforced the notion that every student can succeed, and teachers play an important role in it. Even if the students themselves don’t believe they can succeed, as teachers we need to continue to provide positive impacts so that one day they can see their potential. The principal and teachers in OTSS definitely played a huge role in helping this graduate get to where she is today. She is now studying very hard at Algonquin in the pre-health sciences program, and she aspires to be a nurse one day.

The whole field trip went very smoothly, and when I talked to the students at the end of the day they all said they enjoyed the trip. Though not all of the students are sure what they want to study in college, but hopefully this trip gave them some insights.



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